Federer hits back at Becker. SABR is not disrespectful

Roger Federer and Boris Becker are not best friends.

Few months ago Becker released a statement that Federer cannot be such a nice guy (???!), not the German that slams at the SABR (Sneak Attack By Roger) saying that it is disrespectful.



Roger has been asked during an interview his thoughts about Becker’scomment and the Maestro kept it shot and diplomatic “No, it’s not disrespectful. Pretty simple.”


According to Roger “I haven’t heard much feedback about it from the players, to be honest. I hear it more through the press. I hear some and read some. For me, if it makes sense to use it in the final, I will. I used it to great effect against Djokovic in a tough situation, at 4-1 in the tiebreaker in Cincinnati.”

BORIS DIDN’T LIKE THIS … look at his face 

A lot of fans are asking about Federer’s SABR shot. Here’s where he first played it vs Novak in Cincinnati final. Boris’s expression says it all -R2

Posted by Troll Tennis on Saturday, September 12, 2015