Del Potro optimistic about his career

Juan Martin Del Potro is having a rather tough period.

The Argentine has been side-lined for almost 1 year and half because of an injury to his left wrist and even if he underwent 3 operations, Juan Martin remains upbeat about his career.

Del Potro: The worst is in the past…

Juan Martin posted a rather long message on Facebook

“The hardest moments of my career are gone, those in which I didn’t know what I would do next. I’ve already told you the discomfort of being unable to do what I like and the suffering of watching tennis on TV. Today is a different story. I have great expectations for a new stage that began this week.

Before my last wrist surgery I told you on video that I was committing myself again in order to play pain-free. I told you I might have had a different life thanks to alternative therapies. But if I wanted to hit the double-handed backhand as I know I had to undergo surgery again. In that decision I exposed my thoughts about the future. Today I am more committed than ever to trying to come back. No more doubts or question marks. A new career for me starts today.

This doesn’t mean it’s easy. I always use the figure of “stumbling blocks” but I really feel that way. Maybe I found more stumbling blocks than others did, but you have to jump over them, overcome the problems, become stronger and move on.

Three surgeries on my left wrist, one on my right wrist. I don’t know how many cases like mine there were in tennis. I just know that when I have a goal I try to achieve it.

… this week I have began the rehab

Then he added “This week I began rehab and did some light workout. While I start from scratch, I’ve been on a diet to maintain weight. I’ll take the time that’s necessary to name my new technical team.

I want to thank those who always talk to me on the streets, the ones what write on Twitter or Facebook to ask me how I feel or when I will return. Those who are waiting for me without contacting me, too. I don’t know how long it will take, I do not know at what level I will play, but I hope to be with you on the tour again.”

Time to get back in full speed to have a great 2016!



Ya pasaron los momentos ms difciles de mi carrera, en los que no saba qu hara en el futuro. Ya les cont el…

Posted by Juan Martín del Potro on Thursday, July 30, 2015