Matteo Berrettini had Vincenzo Santopadre as his coach for 13 years to become one of the best tennis players in the world. Unfortunately, they decided to split after such a great partnership that saw Matteo winning 7 titles and being the runner-up on 6 occasions. Berrettini also reached the Wimbledon final back in 2021. The Italian player has just announced the end of his partnership following his ankle injury at the US Open.

This was Matteo’s heartfelt message.

“I was uncertain; I didn’t know whether to write something or just communicate it.
Pensavo dovesse essere una cosa solo mia e tua, invece poi ho realizzato che, si, quello che abbiamo costruito, fatto e vissuto è solamente nostro, ma è anche la testimonianza tangibile che i sogni si avverano, che il duro lavoro porta sempre a qualcosa di positivo e che nella vita, a volte, non bisogna prendersi troppo sul serio.
I came into your “tennis arms” not knowing yet what you wanted to do with my life, you managed to make me dream far, but keeping me attached to the single days we lived. Every workout is a brick, every defeat is a lesson and every injury is an opportunity to improve and come back stronger.
I don’t think I could be able to knock down something that could truly make you understand how I feel for you. Gratitude, affection, respect, admiration, gratitude, joy and everything beautiful in our relationship can only be told with a hug…

Ours is a professional good-bye that will probably enhance the personal relationship even more. I have felt you with me through every difficulty I have faced over the last 13 years, and despite being many, when I think of us I feel only joy.

I’m happy and grateful to the people who made our meeting possible, and proud of us for how we used this gift that was given to us.

Without you there would have been Matteo Berrettini, but there wouldn’t have been “🔨”

Matteo Berrettini in 2023

Matteo Berrettini

24 - 6win/loss

28 year old
2024 Highlights

Currently the world no.90, Matteo played his last match on the 31st of August when he had to retire when playing against world no.82 Arthur Rinderknech in the 2nd round and the scoreline was 6-4 5-3 .

Currently, during this season Berrettini owns a composed 14-12 match record. Matteo Berrettini’s best achievement of this season was getting to the final in Australia.

He is also scheduled to play in Metz (Moselle Open) on the 5th of November and Sofia (Sofia Open) on the 7th of November.

U.S. Open
Berrettini's Record