Tomic arrested in USA

Bernard Tomic is unrecoverable.

In the past few months the young Australian seemed to have found his way, but in the recent weeks he failed again.

After an unnecessary rant against Tennis Australia (TA) Tomic was suspended from the Davis Cup Team, then his father threatened to sue TA for a clerical error on their website and now Bernard is arrested in Miami.

Tomic to sue Tennis Australia 

What happened?

Apparently Bernard was having “one of his parties” in his W South Beach hotel penthouse room to have an altercation with the staff and the police because of loud music (was this really necessary?).

It seems that Tomic refused to lower the music after having being asked 3 times and when the police arrived he “pointed his finger aggressively towards hotel security”.

After the police intervention the guests left the room while Tomic was taken to the Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center where he is charged with resisting an officer.

He can’t make it right… can he?