Federer helps children in Malawi

Roger will go to Malawi to launch a childcare centre

Roger Federer gives back!

The Tennis Legend keeps his commitment to help people round the world.

On Monday Roger will go to Malawi to launch the Lundu Community-Based Childcare Centre.

The Swiss sensation will be accompanied by the Minister responsible for Gender, Children, Disability and Social Welfare Patricia Kaliati that commented “He is the president of the Roger Federer Foundation which supports our implementation as ActionAid comprehensive and satellite early childhood development programme in districts of Chitipa, Ntchisi, Nsanje, Rumphi, Machinga and Lilongwe.”

The aim of the programme is to build 18 preschools to accommodate 40,000 children between 3 and 5 years. The programme has already started and has so far helped 14,000. children.

Well done Roger!