Dimitrov fires coach Rasheed

Grigor takes the decision after a disappointing year

Grigor Dimitrov had a very disappointing 2015 so far.

The Bulgarian crashed out the top 10 to have an unexpected 21-13 win/loss record (no good after so many expectations). Grigor had a great relationship with his coach Roger Rasheed, but unfortunately after a disappointing Wimbledon (he lost in the 3rd round) he had to call it a day!

The announcement

Dimitrov announced the split on twitter “After much thought I have decided to end my working relationship with Roger. We had many accomplishments together and I wish him all the best going forward. I want to thank him for all his hard work and support over the past couple of years.”


Grigor’s reaction after losing in Wimbledon

The Bulgarian was extremely unhappy after losing in Wimbledon “I’m 24, I don’t consider myself that young anymore,’ he said. Last year was an eye-opener for me, it showed me what I was capable of. I fell into a rhythm that I always wanted to, but I always knew it was very hard to sustain.

Especially this year, I’ve had quite a few difficulties to cooperate with the situation that I’m not playing as good as last year. It comes down to a bit of mental strength, something that you really need to sort of look at it and maybe see what you can do different.”

Time to move on…