Petra Kvitova fought and won countless battles around the world against the very best tennis players. However, the biggest challenge she had to face was at home when in December 2016 she was assaulted in her own house by a man, Radim Zondra (33), that stabbed her on the left hand.

Besides the huge shock, Petra had to face the reality that the wounds inflicted could have also ended her brilliant tennis career since she sustained damage to the tendons in her hand, along with injuries to all five fingers and two nerves. The result was a 4-hours’ operation that ended pretty well for the Czech that was back to competitions already the following May.

The 8 years’ sentence

The regional court in Brno (Czech Republic) sentenced the man to 8 years in prison. Even if the state prosecutor requested 12 years in prison, Kvitova was satisfied with the verdict.

Time to move on now.