Gonzales will retire after the 2012 Miami Sony Ericsson

Time to go.

“I made the decision a couple of weeks ago to end my career at Miami,” the  Chilean said. “It’s 100 per cent personal. I realised I don’t have the energy to be where I want to be.”

“I always said I would play until 30 and in the last months I didn’t stop thinking about it and the final decision was made three weeks ago,” he added. “It was difficult to play in Vina, but the decision was already taken.

“If I retired at Vina it would have been too emotional. Miami means a lot for me and there are a lot of Chilean people over there. I also want to say goodbye to my friends on the tour.”

“I want to have a new start,” he said. “I’ll still be working for tennis, it’s my passion. I’ll take some time to think what I will do.”

Gonzo won 11 ATP titles, the doulbe gold metal in Athens 2004 and reached the Australian Open in 2007 beating Hewitt and Nadal (before losing the final vs Federer) to achieve the 5th place in the ATP Ranking

We wish him all the best!