My goal was just to be in the top10. NAOMI OSAKA

Naomi Osaka confesses that she didn't think she could get so high in the rankings so soon

Naomi Osaka has achieved 2 great things in Melbourne: she won her 2nd slam and she conquered the world no.1 rank.

Of course, Naomi has worked hard for that, but she had to admit that she had different goals 2 years ago.

I want to be a top10 player. OSAKA

During a recent interview with the WTA podcast, Naomi revealed

“I feel like for the past two years, all I really wanted to do was to be in the top 10 because I thought that’s how you make a name for yourself. To be in this position now is really unreal.

I feel like I want to do well during the entire year and not just the hardcourt tournaments.”

Naomi is now targetting the Roland Garros. 3rd consecutive slam?

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Naomi Osaka wants to win the Roland Garros


NO.1…. not only top 10
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