Stefanos Tsitsipas has a souvlaki named after him

Stefanos is really capturing the image of his fans in Melbourne

The Tsitsipas Souvlaki

Do you fancy you a souvlaki? Do you like tennis and love seeing playing Stefanos Tsitsipas? Well, you can now have tasty Tsitsipas souvlaki!

The well-known Stalactites Greek Restaurant in Melbourne has introduced the Tsitsipas souvlaki for the delight of his clientele at the price of $16.

Apparently, Stefanos himself went to taste the new specialty at the restaurant, and he couldn’t refrain from posting it on the social media.

This is another proof (if you needed) that Stefanos is “super-popular” in Melbourne.

Federer has a street named after him (in Halle), Stefanos a souvlaki… you need to start from somewhere!


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Stefanos Greek Sensation

More about Stefanos Tsitsipas