What’s Your Tennis Wish-list for 2019?

What would be nice to have in 2019

Wishing good

Change is the only constant. Everything changes. And that is only one of the most fundamental truths of life. And the difference is what is required from the game of tennis as well. As niche as the game is, it does need its supporters and its greats and with some of the biggest names in the world of tennis over what would typically be considered over playing age, it is time to make those changes soon. That’s why tennis betting today is popular, and we will take a look at what you can wish to happen in the tennis world this year.

The Top Things You Will Want to Happen in Tennis this Year

It is for this reason why we have a tennis wish-list for the new year of 2019.

  1. Hopefully, tennis balls get more uniform

There should be a clearer effort on the part of the tournament authorities to have similar kinds of balls to play on different courts. With changes in the texture and likeness of the ball, there is an increased chance of players to get injured while playing a match.

  1. Respect your fans.

They are the ones who keep the game alive. Currently, fans are not allowed to enter the stadium in case they are late till after the changeover in the third game. This leaves many fans dissatisfied, and they do not want to spend their money on buying a ticket for a tennis match in the future.

  1. Try and develop just one primary rating system for the game.

Too many cooks spoil the broth and hence a single unified rating system will be better for the players, coaches and the fans combined. It will just help develop the game further. And all major professional sports in the world have one, why should tennis be any different?

  1. Knowing about the Tennis Court Helps

Provide both the coaches and the players a better idea about the courts they are playing at in advance so that they know how to perform and train better. In fact, this will not only help pump up the intensity of the competition but will also help avoid unnecessary injuries.

  1. More Fair Play

Rules should be applied more consistently with fair enforcement on everyone, be it an amateur or a professional star player. This is the absolute need of the hour as of now. Also, a fairer use of the grand slam wildcards should be put to place. This is because it is otherwise unfair to the players of the current grand slam if their chances are maligned because of a wild card entry based on an arbitrary selection.

Well, there you have it. The wish-list for tennis as a sport in 2019. These are some simple and easy ideas for the International Tennis Federation to put in motion to make the game of tennis better and more engaging for the players and the audiences of the game alike.

Which of these things are you looking forward to the most?

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