What are the 2 options for Andy Murray

Andy has a big decision to take...

Andy Murray has to take an important decision in the next few days about what to do with his struggling hip.

With the Operation

Andy can opt for a “big operation” that means having a chance to significantly prolong his career playing at his “normal level”, but if the surgery is unsuccessful it can also end up in a final retirement without a “proper farewell” in Wimbledon.

No Operation

The Brit can also choose not to have the operation and get ready for what will be definitely the last tournament of his career in Wimbledon with a proper farewell.

In the first case (the operation), Murray is sure that he will not play Wimbledon this coming summer, but he has a shot at prolonging his career (but that plan can also fail). In the second case (no operation), Andy will have a proper farewell in Wimbledon, but he will be sure that his career is over.

Difficult choice. What to do?

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