Isner hires new coach

American no.1 John Isner is the last one to make a move in terms of coaching.

Now ranked no.19,  John will try to get back to the top 10 in the following season. To do that he hired Justin Gimelstob for the entire season.

From Isner

John commented “I’m really excited to start working with Justin. He has so much experience within the tennis business and I’ve long respected his knowledge of the sport. I think it will be great for me to have a new perspective helping me with my game. “

From Gimelstob

Gimelstob is currently in the board of directors of the ATP, he is a broadcaster (Tennis Channel) and he boasts 13 ATP titles in doubles. “John is a very unique talent, a great guy both on and off the court and I am thrilled to be able to be a part of his team,” Gimelstob said. “Coaching is in my blood. My father and uncle were both basketball coaches and I had the good fortune of working with some of the best tennis coaches in the world during my career,” he said.

Interesting enough he won’t give up his role at the Tennis Channel  “I would be remiss if I didn’t mention how supportive both Tennis Channel and the ATP Player Council have been. Tennis Channel’s willingness to be flexible with my on air scheduling at events John is participating in and the Player Council’s blessing were significant factors in me pursing this opportunity.”

The job starts immediately

Justin will work immediately with John that is going to go to Auckland to defend his title.

Isner wins Auckland

GIMELSTOB PLAYING AGASSI IN 1999 (US OPEN)… the guy is tough!!!