Stefanos Tsitsipas and Maria Sakkari had one of the best evenings of their young careers.

On Thursday, the Greek Team was opposed to Team Switzerland in the Hopman Cup in Perth. That means that Stefanos and Maria had to overcome the great Roger Federer and Belinda Bencic that are also the defending champions in Perth.

Tsitsipas played a fantastic match against Federer, but eventually he lost 7-6 (5) 7-6 (4). Later on, it was Sakkari to beat Bencic 6-3 6-4 to bring the affair to the decisive mixed doubles.

Stefanos and Maria stepped up nicely to win 4-3 (4) 2-4 4-3 (3). The last point was won by Sakkari that surprised Federer with a fantastic backhand and Stefanos couldn’t contain his joy repeatedly hug and kiss Maria on court


After the match, Stefanos commented

“It is just so emotional to be doing this with Maria here in Perth. If you would have told me that we would have two wins in the group [against] such a great country like Switzerland I would tell you that you are a lier, but yeah we did it, and it is unbelievable.”

Fantastic scenes.


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