Federer has still 4 or 5 years

In 2014 (and tt 33 years of age) Roger Federer had an incredible comeback to reach  the 2nd spot in the rankings and to still have a shot at the very top one in the next season.

Is this almost game-over for Roger? Not for Tony Roche. Tony was Roger’s coach for a couple of years (2005-2007) and he thinks that the Maestro will be around for much more

Federer has 4-5 years …

Roche commented “I think he can play as long as he wants to on the mental side. Physically, I think he can play for another four-five years without any problem,” 

… and he can win another slam

Then the Aussi added “Another Slam definitely. Obviously, Wimbledon is his best chance but he’s knocking on the door in last few Slams. As long as the guys still respect Roger, he is always going to be a threat,”

Federer will start his 2015 campaign in Brisbane where he is last year’s runner-up (d. Hewitt). Let’s see if 2015 will be another great year.

Federer's weakness