Famous people and top tennis players have to face all sorts of allegations on the social media from all sort of people.
On Monday Andy Murray was “accused” by a guy on Instagram to be part of the “Illuminati” that would be a secret society pulling the strings of every major organization in the world. According to David Icke, a former sports presenter, the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh are shape-shifters who drink human blood to look like us.
A follower from Instagram “accused” Andy to be part of the Illuminati’s conspiracy, and the Brit had one his replies
“You got me! You’re right.. I am part of the Illuminati. I got invited in by the Queen at Wimbledon when I met her after a match I played there. I get to go to all these special meetings and parties with people like Jay Z and Beyonce which is the cool part but some of the rituals we have to participate in and making decisions on stuff like Brexit make it a bit of a burden.”
Classic Murray!
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