Corrupted Starace sold final for 150.000 Euro

Bad news… very bad news for tennis.

According to the Italian newspaper, La Gazzetta dello Sport, Potito Starace sold his final in Casablanca for 150.000 Euro.

Starace had to play the final against Andujar in Casablanca in 2011. It seems that after talking, SMSing etc etc. Starace agreed to find a way to earn some more money.

The final in Casablanca was perfect as the Italian had a winning record till that moment with Andujar and a tough loss would have brought 150.000 Euro in his pockets. (Andujar won “only” 76.000 Euro)

Eventually Andujar demolished Starace 6-1 6-2. Apparently this ignominious combine has been facilitated by Daniele Bracciali.

Starace has played 4 finals in his career and he has lost all of them… something more to suspect?


Potito Staraca sold final against Andujar