Nadal attacks Davis Cup captain over sexism

It is not a great time for some Davis Cup captains.

Switzerland captain Severin Luthi is trying to manage an explosive situation after the quarrel between Federer and Wawrinka (see article); Gala Leon, the controversial Spanish captain, seems to be attacked by everybody.

The background

Gala Leon has been appointed as the first female captain in Davis Cup history for the Spanish Team. Players (and the mythological Uncle Toni) were unhappy by the decision to spark a huge controversy about sexism in tennis (see article).

Toni against Gale Leon 

Rafa: she fed an absurd debate …

After Uncle Toni’s remarks. it is now time for Rafael Nadal to attack Leon ”It seems strange to me, as Davis Cup captain, that instead of seeking union and harmony between players, captains and the federation, she has incited and fed a debate that is totally false and absurd,”

… and also the federation is to blame

Then Rafa had also some words for his own federation ‘it seems unfair to me that they have wanted to shift the issue to a place that is evidently a clear issue of populism.”

Who is going to play now?

The big question is… Who is going to play for the Davis Cup team next year?