Federer racing against time

Roger Federer had a rather weird week in London.

The Maestro had a sensational Round Robin to defeat all his opponents in straight sets and his morale was lifted by the sensational 6-0 6-1 win against Andy Murray… then things went south.

Roger won a tough semifinal against his friend Stan Wawrinka to then have a fight with him soon after the match (see article); then he got injured to his back to withdraw from the final in London.

Federer fights with Wawrinka 

Now Roger is supposed to play the Davis Cup final… but it’s not clear if his back will allow that.

Racing against time

Roger has to get fit as soon as possible to play the DC final on Friday. That’s a huge set back because even if the Maestro will make it, he will have no time to practice on clay courts.

According to the Swiss Davis Cup captain Severin Luthi “We will have to see how severe those back problems are and we hope that Roger will be able to recover until next Friday.

He now has to rest.  team doctor Roland Biedert has come to London and, together with our physiotherapist Daniel Troxler, will work on Roger’s fast recovery.”

…and reestablish the relationship with Stan

Besides his troublesome back Roger has also to “make peace” with Stan that apparently was very upset by Mirka’s behavior at the WTF semis. It’s not easy… but why it should be?


Wawrinka against Federer