Toni: it would be weird having a woman in the locker room…

Toni Nadal has recently expressed his doubts about the selection of a woman, Gala Leon Garcia,  as the coach of the Spanish Davis Cup Team.

Toni: it would be weird having a woman in the locker room…

According to Toni there are many problems involved to also state that “there is a logistical difficulty that is difficult to solve, because in the Davis Cup a lot of time is spent in locker rooms without much clothing and with a woman it would always be weird”

… she doesn’t know many players…

Then he added “She isn’t a person we know on the men’s circuit, which is an added difficulty for her. I believe she doesn’t know the players, at least Rafael”

… I am not sexist

“I limited myself to saying that it was a problem and I still think that. In no way am I sexist. You could brand me old-fashioned in seeing problems about having to share a dressing room with a woman, but to go from there to talking about sexism… Would I be OK with peeing in front of a woman? No way. That in any case might be old-fashioned.” he concluded.