Matteo Berrettini’s rumoured gilrfriend posts hot pictures in a bikini at the beach

Matteo Berrettini parted ways with his girlfriend Ajla Tomljanovic. He is now rumored to be dating Paola Di Benedetto, an Italian public figure. She has 1.7 million followers on Instagram and posts a lot of pictures in a bikini.

Matteo Berrettini Girlfriend Paola Di Benedetto

Matteo Berrettini is currently in Australia, where he is about to play in the United Cup. The Italian player had a rather interesting 2022 on and off the court. Unfortunately, Matteo parted ways with his girlfriend, Ajla Tomljanovic. He is currently rumored to date Paola Di Benedetto, an Italian public figure who has 1.7 million followers on Instagram.

Paola loves posting all sorts of pictures. These are some of them also in a bikini and at the beach.

Matteo Berrettini Girlfriend Paola Di Benedetto Haivna A ShowerMatteo Berrettini Girlfriend Paola Di Benedetto Having A Shower

Matteo Berrettini in 2022

Matteo Berrettini

30 - 8win/loss

I Hard
28 year old
2024 Highlights

At the moment ranked no.16, Matteo played his last match on the 23rd of October when he was overcome by world no.23 Lorenzo Musetti 7-6(5) 6-2 in the final in Naples (draw).

At present, during this year Matteo has managed to achieve an overall 32-12 win-loss record. Berrettini clinched 2 titles in 2022 in Stuttgart and London. Matteo was the runner-up in Gstaad and Naples.

Berrettini is scheduled to play next in Australian Open (Australian Open). He will start the tournament from the main draw that will commence on the 16th of January.

Berrettini's Record