Diletta Leotta and Loris Karius together in Santo Stefano in Sicily

Loris Karius and his girlfriend Diletta Leotta spent the holidays together

Diletta Leotta And Loris Karius Enjoying Vacation

Newcastle goalkeeper Loris Karius and Dazn host Diletta Leotta spent Boxing Day at the beach. The two are accompanied by the inescapable little dog Lillo in an Instagram story that was posted on their respective social media accounts. Leotta spent Christmas at his family’s home in Catania, so it’s likely that Karius met his parents, uncles, and cousins for the first time during this time.

On Boxing Day, the goalkeeper, who had not been called up by Newcastle for the victory over Leicester on December 26, joined them. Fans of the couple started to express concern after seeing the Leotta family during the holidays without the player. This sparked fears of a crisis. Contrary to popular belief, Loris actually managed to get to Diletta as soon as he was able to. The goalkeeper adores Sicily, but he had one more reason to visit this time.

At least three months have passed since the two started dating. They were first seen together in London, where they first met and fell in love, followed by Milan, the presenter’s home city, and then Miami. Sicily is where their relationship ends. A significant development for the relationship and the many fans of the Leottas took place at their home.

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