Boris Becker: ‘An inmate wanted to kill me’

Boris Becker was recently released from a UK jail and sent back to Germany. He served eight months for illegally transferring sizable sums of money and concealing assets.

Boris Becker

Boris Becker, a legendary tennis player from Germany, opened up about his time in prison and claimed that a fellow prisoner attempted to murder him while he was serving his sentence. After serving eight months in prison in Britain for illegally transferring sizable sums of money and concealing assets after filing for bankruptcy, Becker was freed early last week. He was initially given a 30-month prison term.

According to Boris Becker, there was a time when he truly feared for his safety in prison due to a threat made by another inmate to kill him.  Becker was recently released from a UK jail and sent back to Germany. Becker made an appearance on a German TV channel on Tuesday and talked openly about his time in jail. When Becker first entered the prison, he made an effort to blend in and avoid drawing attention to himself.

“Just don’t look at another inmate the wrong way. Actually, I once had what they call an ‘altercation’ with an inmate who wanted to kill me. He tried to come after me; he told me all the things he’d do to me,” Becker said.

Boris reveals that he had to shout to be saved by 3 other inmates: “I will never forget them. They saved my life,” he said.

Boris said that the convicted murderer who threatened him apologized. “He threw himself on the floor and hugged my legs. I picked him up and embraced him and told him I had great respect for him,” Becker revealed.

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