Mauro Icardi’s wife Wanda Nara hot pictures also in a bikini at the beach

Here are some of the best pictures also in a bikini at the beach of Wanda Nara, Mauro Icardi's wife and agent

Wanda Nara In A Bikini At The Beach

Mauro Icardi has just signed to play for one year with Galatasaray on a loan basis. The contract was negotiated by his wife and agent, Wanda Nara. Wanda is a well-known public figure not only in Argentina, her country, but also in Italy for her turbulent life.

Wanda was previously married to soccer player Maxi Lopez before starting an affair with Mauro Icardi (and then marry him). Wanda has 5 children Francesca Icardi Nara, Valentino Gastón López Nara, Isabella Icardi, Constantino López, Benedicto López.

Besides being extremely smart, Wanda is also gorgeous. It’s not surprising that she has amassed almost 15 million followers on her Instagram.

Here are some of her best pictures also on a bikini and at the beach.

Wanda Nara Posing
Instagram @wanda_naralifest

Mauro Icardi’s Wife Wanda Nara And Her Demands To Leave Psg And Join Galatasaray