Troicki to be back after serving a 12 months ban

Viktor Troicki is about to be back after being sidelined for 12 months for doping.

The Serbian will be cleared after the controversial suspension that was apparently caused by a big misunderstanding (see articles).

Troicki: I want to make up for lost time…

The Serbian commented “From the wish to show that they were wrong to suspend me, to the hope of proving to myself that I can do even better than before, above all, a desire to make up for lost time.  All of these emotions and much more will be present,”

… I’ll start from scratch

The he added “To be honest, I don’t know myself how it’ll be on court in the beginning, until I get used to it. At the same time, all my points will be gone by July 21 and I’ll be starting from scratch, completely from scratch.”