Roland Garros. 5 things about the final between Nadal and Djokovic

Today Nadal and Djokovic will clash once again in a slam final. Here the 5 things you should know.

1-  The winner will be the world no.1

Whoever is going to win this final is going to be the world no.1

2- Nadal’s record

Rafa is now the first male in tennis history to have reached the final in the same slam for 9th times.

3-Djokovic’s career slam

The Roland Garros is the only slam that Novak is missing. This means that in case he grabs the title, he will complete his career slam. So far the Serbian has won 4 Australian Open (2008, 2011,2012.2013), 1 US Open (2011), 1 Wimbledon (2011).

4- Rafa no. 14?

If Nadal wins this slam, he will have 14 major in his portfolio. Just 3 shy from Federer…

5- Head to head for Rafa … but…

Rafa has a won/loss record against Djokovic of 22 to 19, but the Serbian has won the last 4 matches.


This is a difficult one. There is one element that can be critical and that is Djokovic’s fitness. The Serbian was struggling during the semifinal against Gulbis and if he doesn’t recover, he has no chances against the King of Clay. If the Serb is 100% he can be the favorite, otherwise we go with Nadal.