Gulbis still aims at becoming the world no.1

Mad Max Gulbis wants more!

The Latvian is still convinced about his aspirations and he believes that the Roland Garros semifinal represents a very good experience for that.

Gulbis: I am not going to celebrate, it is not enough!

Ernests commented “I’m not going to celebrate.  not enough. I need to reach more now. Now I’m addicted to success, really. I need to make this extra step now. I’m extra motivated.”

… I am not used to this kind of matches

Then the Latvian added some thoughts about his semifinal “I’m not used to playing these kinds of big matches. It’s just normal that I felt extra nervous and extra tense. I can take one positive out of the match: that I could still win the third set feeling that nervous and that extra tired. That’s one thing that I take for the future. 

The more I play these kinds of matches, the more I’m going to get used to these situations. For me, I take only the positive stuff out of it. I need to be in these situations once, twice, three times and then I can maybe make that extra step. I enjoyed it.”

So game on for Gulbis… will he manage to really get to the top spot of the rankings?