Monaco meets Pope Francis in Rome

It seems that it is a sort of custom now for Argentinean players to meet the Pope once they play the ATP in Rome.

Last year it was Del Potro to meet Pope Francis, (see article) and this time it’s Pico time!

Pico commented “He called me last night and he said, ‘Juan, you’re in Rome, so you have to visit me!

It’s really interesting to be here and meet the Pope and to visit the Vatican. It’s an amazing feeling to see the Pope up close and how many people came. It’s unbelievable how proud Argentinians are that we have an Argentinian Pope. You can feel the love he gives to everybody. 

Now I’m going to be focused for my next tournament, my next practice, but with so much love inside me.”

Monaco is already out from the tournament in Rome as he lost to Robredo in the first round. Monaco will now head to Dusseldorf where he will try to defend his title.