Unlucky Thiem had to retire from Madrid due to illness

Dominic Thiem was the great surprise in Madrid after beating seed no.3 Stanislas Wawrinka (see article).

The excitement on Facebook…

The young Austrian was greatly excited for the upcoming match against Feliciano Lopez to post on facebook Feliciano Lopez beat Youzhny and is my opponent tomorrow. Lopez is number 29 in the world. I only beat two higher ranked players in my whole life. So he is the logical favorite. The conditions here in Madrid also suit Lopez’ game perfectly well with his super service and his sensational backhand slice. But if I play a good match it can be a tough fight with chances for both of us. And I like to play lefties, too.

The Austrian national broadcaster ORF again changed his program and will broadcast the match live. I can’t point out enough what a big honour and motivation that is for me. So much looking forward to the match tomorrow. Please keep your fingers crossed again! Your support is incredible! Bamos!!”

…and the disappointment

Unfortunately Dominic wasn’t able to play for a illness, apparently a strong stomach flu.

The guy is getting there with his tennis; he might have to learn what to eat during important events.

See you in Rome!