Sexy Serena featured on the May’s Fitness Magazine cover.

Serena Williams is taking some time off from tennis to appear in the May’s Fitness Magazine cover.

In the inside of the magazine Serena shares some traits of her personality.

Williams: There are 2 Serena’s

The American shared “I think of myself as two different people. There’s the Serena Williams that everyone knows: She’s crazy… She can’t make a mistake… And she’s angry and just not nice, to be honest. I’m only that person for three hours a day when I’m on the court. The rest of the time I’m just Serena. I’m the class clown.”

The world no.1 says also thatshe is surprised by her aggressive nature while she plays tennis. “It’s not the real me. Even for me, it’s shocking to see. But in another way, it’s kind of cool to know that I have everything together on the court, because I don’t really have my life together personally.”

Sexy Serena in swimming suit