Davis Cup: Janowicz loses to 17 years-old to lashes at his country

That was not a good weekend for Jerzy Janowicz

The world no.21 was playing for his country to try to bring it to the World Group Play Offs in September, but that didn’t really work out.

Jerzy lost his first match against 17 years-old Borna Coric in the first rubber to then lose a terrible match against Cilic (he was leading 2 sets up). This lead Poland to lose 3-1 against Croatia.

Poland has no prospects

After the match Jerzy had one of his outbursts against a journalist to comment “Who are you to criticize us

Poland is a country that has no prospects in sport, business or private life. Kids go to college just to get out of the country. We train in sheds. So why do you have such high expectations of us

Another Jerzy’s show!