Richard Berankis surprises Marcos Giron 7-5 6-4 in the 1st round in Melbourne on Wednesday. Berankis will try to go further in the tournament when playing against Rafael Nadal in the 2nd round. The match lasted 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Berankis's Record

Berankis added to his prize money $ 3,690 after conquering this match. He has won already $ 8,890 after this win. If he wins the next match, Berankis will add $ 6,600 to his earnings to get in total $ 15,490 in total.

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At the end of the match, the Lithuanian scored 64 points vs. Giron’s 57.


Richard served extremely well to win 76% of the points (31/41) behind his first serve, and he won 50% points (13/26) on his second serve. The Lithuanian was remarkable in converting all the break points (4/4).


On the other side, Marcos didn’t lose the concentration in converting 50% of the break points that he conquered points (2/4). However, that was not enough to win the contest.

After this encounter, the head to head between Berankis and Giron is 1-0 for Richard.

Draw and next match H2H: Richard Berankis vs. Rafael Nadal – stats

Berankis will face Nadal in the 2nd round.

There is no head to head record between Richard Berankis and Rafael Nadal since this will be the first time that they will play each other in the main tour.

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Nadal conquered a commanding position in the outset to break Marcos Giron in the 2nd game (2-0). However, Richard refused to bow to come back to break Giron 3 times in the 3rd (1-2), in the 9th (5-4) and in the 11th (6-5) game before winning the set (7-5).

Richard failed to serve out the set when leading 5-4 to be broken at 30.

Berankis was perfect in converting all his break points in the 3rd (1-2 30-40), the 9th (4-4 40-A) and the 11th game (5-5 15-40). Also, on the other side, the American was flawless in converting all his break points in the 2nd (2-1 30-40) and the 10th game (4-5 30-40).

They contested 68 points. The set was a huge battle since finally the Lithuanian won just 2 points more than Giron (35-33). The Lithuanian dropped 15 points on serve (21-15). On the losing side, Marcos conceded 14 points on serve (18-14).

The set was even with both players refusing to concede anything to the opposition. Eventually, the only discrepancy was one break that Berankis conquered in the 7th

game (4-3) before ultimately winning the set (6-4).

Berankis was clinical in converting the only break point that he conquered in the 7th game (3-3 0-40). On the other side, Marcos was unable to convert any of his 2 break points. He had 2 break points opportunities in the 6th (3-2 40-A) and the 8th game (3-4 30-40).

They contested 53 points. Richard was the one to win the set after conquering 5 more points than Marcos (29-24). Berankis conceded 8 points on serve (23-8). on the other side of the court, the American conceded 6 points on serve (16-6).

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