Venus beats Vesnina in Dubai Opener

The American defeats Elena 6-3 6-2. Video Highlights

No problems for Venus Williams in her opener against Elena Vesnina

Now ranked world no. 44, Venus still shows moments of brilliance on the court to be able to still challenge the very best.

The match with Elena was a walk in the park that has lasted only 62 minutes. In the first set the American won the decisive break in the 6th game (4-2) to wrap up the opener 6-3. The second set was rather smooth for the former world no.1 that got an quick 5-1 lead to finally win the match 6-3 6-2. See match Stats


The American commented “The last couple matches I played against her, at Wimbledon she played so well and it wasn’t my day, and Cincy as well I had some chances there but she was clearly more on her game,”

Venus will play her next match either against Kerber or Ivanovic

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