Wozniacki and McIlroy engaged on New Year’s Eve in Sydney

Caroline and Rory get the best possible start of the year becoming engaged!

McIlroy chose Sydney as the perfect place to propose to Caroline that (off course) accepted with joy.

Following their customs, the golden couple started to tweet


A greatly excited Wozniacki tweeted “Happy new year everyone! Rory and I started 2014 with a bang! … I said YES!!!!” with some pics



The golfer tweeted his first “win” of the year “Happy New Year everyone! I have a feeling it’s going to be a great year! My first victory of 2014 #shesaidyes!!”

This engagement comes as a blessing especially after some rumours about Rory and Caroline splitting in 2013.

Now the Dane is preparing for the Australian Open after withdrawing from Brisbane for an injury to her shoulder. She is still scheduled to play in Sydney this coming week.