Sharapova on the Ellen DeGeneres Show to talk about Sugarpova and her grunts!

Maria is everywhere!

The world no.4 is just back to the tennis court and … on TV!

Just after few days she played the exhibition in Bogota’ against Ana Ivanovic, the Russian Beauty went to the popular talk show (The Ellen DeGeneres Show) to discuss about Sugarpova (just launched also in Colombia) and her grunts.

About Grunting

It was quite funny when the discussion about Maria’s sounds effects. The Russian said she wasn’t sure if grunting helps her tennis and she has never really tried to stop them.

“I’m not sure what it does. I still to this day don’t really know. I’ve never actually tried to stop. Because once you start playing, you just start going into this automatic rhythm.”

So they have talked about Sugarpova, grunting… what about Dimitrov?