Nadal: I do not see the point of playing a sport unless you are giving it your all

Rafael Nadal is definitely one of the best competitors in sport history. His relentless drive has made him a sort of living legend in Spain and around the world.

During these days the world no.1 has played some golf to draw some comparisons between golf and tennis.

Rafa about Tiger Woods…

Rafa some nice words for his “golf hero” Tiger Woods “I take my cue from Tiger Woods. From start to finish, I barely say a word to my rivals; I certainly don’t compliment them on a good shot. They complain, they get angry with me, curse me for my rudeness.”

… and his philosophy in sport

“They say I’m more aggressive even than I am on the tennis court. The difference between me and my friends, some of whom are much better golfers than I am, is that I just don’t see the point of playing a sport unless you’re giving it your all” added Rafa

Well… we are sure that Federer & C. are well aware about Rafa’s attitude.