Tomic happy with new coach, but father still important

Bernard Tomic has just hired Velimir Kovko from Croatia and he is already pleased about that. Velimir is considered a sort of interim mentor that will replace (or co-coach) Bernard till the father’s suspension from the ATP is lifted.

The new coach has arrived last week and he is getting along with his new team rather well.

Tomic: He is going to help out with my dad

“He’s starting to get into a good bond with my dad and team, It’s still important to have my dad there. He’s the one that brought me up and we spent a lot of time together.

It’s very difficult for me to let him go. He knows what’s best for me and my tennis. Obviously this new coach is going to take his role and help out with my dad.”

It’s rather good that Bernard is happy about this new coach; the tricky point is that his father seems to be still in charge… 100% in charge!