McEnroe wins the Legend Final in London

Great stuff from John McEnroe that wins the Statoil Master once again!

The seven times Grand Slam champion defeats Mats Wilander playing great tennis. It’s incredible how McEnroe can still produce a very enjoyable tennis and how much drive is still inside him. After winning the first set 6-2, John performed also a little tantrum in the second set when was broken when serving for the match. Time to regroup for the American, break back Mats soon after and win the title.

John: I was hitting the ball great

McEnroe was clearly pleased with his performance to comment “I was playing well. I was hitting the ball clean. I got a little careless and Mats’ concentration is great so he takes advantage of some opportunities when they come up. I would have liked to have done a little better with the first serve. The percentage was a bit low for indoors. Other than that I feel like I was hitting the ball great and returning great, putting a lot of pressure on his serve. I was feeling good.”

Mats: His return got better with age

The Swede was rather surprised by McEnroe tennis and his return to serve to comment “John is hitting the ball extremely well. He returns so well. I think that’s something that has maybe got better with age. It’s really hard to find a space in the service box that he doesn’t get to. He seems to read my serve and he’s just a little too good, especially on the big points.”