Ivanovic foresees a bright future for the WTA

Ana Ivanovic, one of the strongest and hottest tennis players on tour, expresses her optimism about the WTA circuit.

The Serbian Beauty turned pro 10 years ago (she is just 26, but she has started early) so as to have a huge experience about newcomers.

Ana: There are lots of good girls…

Ivanovic certainly welcome the new challenge from players such as Sloane Stephens and Genie Bouchard to comment “There are so many young players coming through and I think it’s great to see. There are lots of good girls who have really powerful tennis and play to such a high level.”

“There is Jaksic from Serbia, she’s a very good player, and I think we’re going to see a lot of her in the next few years. But from all over the world, there are other girls born in ’93, ’94 that are playing some amazing tennis.

“They’re fearless and I think it’s great to see, although it makes me start to feel a bit like a veteran as I’ve been around for so long!”

.. and some old ones

Ana is still amazed by the endurance of 42-years-old Kimiko Date-Krum to comment “I think it’s amazing what Kimiko Date-Krumm is doing. She’s 42 and still really fit and playing such good tennis. I love tennis and still have a lot more to give and will keep playing as long as I feel I can achieve what I want to achieve.

But I have other priorities in my life too and I want to have a family one day too. I like kids and I don’t want to be an old mum!”