Djokovic – Pizza = World Nr.1!

Djokovic ‘s career looked doomed. He was bound to be an incredible talented tennis player that would never ever seriously challenge 2 monsters (Federer and Nadal) for the top spot in the international ranking.

Then a person whose name could sound as a password (Mr Cetojevic) found the solution: the gluten! The Joker has some allergy or something else.. maybe that’s the gluten.

OK, but what the h. is the gluten? The gluten is a type of protein found in most grains, cereals, and breads and people with a celiac disease cannot really eat it or to put it better… they really struggle. And.. guess what? Djokovic a a celiac disease.

So Mr Cetojevic, a Serbian doctor and nutritionist, helped his fellowcountryman to reassess his diet and we all know the story: a record of 64-3 and 3 major titles in 2011.

After being hired full time, the nutritionist  left his assignment after the Serb won Wimbledon beating Nadal in the Final: mission accomplished!

So what’s next? Well if Novak keep on playing like this Federer and Nadal either have to improve their tennis or they need to bring Djokovic to a long trip to Naples (the homeland of pizza!!!).image