Dimitrov and Janowicz crash out in US Open first round

That was a bad day for 2 of the most interesting upcomers.


Jerzy was just crashed by world no. 247 Maximo Gonzales that at 30 years of age recorded his 5th win in a slam. Unfortunately that came from a injury sustained by Jerzy that couldn’t serve to say that it was like somebody putting a knife in the right side of the back.

After the match Jerzy commented “I couldn’t jump. I couldn’t make a service movement.” Gonzales replied “If was him, I wouldn’t play today,” Match Stats.


Grigor unfortunately was also not up to the expectation to lose in just less than 3 hours a 3 setter against the world no. 95 Joao Sousa from Portugal. Grigor won 134 points vs. Sousa’s 145to drop the service 8 times. Match Stats