Djokovic addresses the United Nations

Another cool stuff for Novak Djokovic.

The world no.1 has been invited on Friday to address the United Nations and give a speech about his career and aspirations.

Nole’s speech set up the proclamation of International Day of Sport for Development and Peace that  is going to be celebrated on every 6 April that was the opening day of the first modern Olympic games held in 1896 in Athens.

Nole: It took me 13 years to achieve my goal

A visibly emotional Djokovic said “I dreamt of being just like him, the number one tennis player in the world.

It took me 13 years to achieve my goal. I hope this international day will motivate each of us to invest in every way additional efforts in cultivating the intrinsic sporting values such as fairplay, teamwork and respect for the opponent.

Sport can help direct general attention to the most at risk and vulnerable in our community, especially disadvantaged children. When we encourage kids to dream big and work hard, we can make a tangible difference in their lives.”


… and a tweet

After the speech Nole tweeted “It was a real honor to address the UN and be given special privilege to speak on behalf of global family of athletes on this historic day.”

Terrific stuff from the world no.1 and definitely one of the best sportsmen in the world.