Genie Bouchard’s sister Beatrice latest and top pictures

Here some of the top pictures of Genie Bouchard's sister Beatrice

Beatrice Bouchard Posing

Eugenie Bouchard is not the only member of the family that is very active on social media. While the world no.5 is the one that has probably achieved more notoriety, her sisters and cousins are all gorgeous and they have many fans on social media.

Genie’s sister Beatrice is probably the most active and audacious sibling of the Canadian beauty on Instagram. Beatrice has amassed already more than 370k followers on her Instagram account and counting. Here some of her best pictures.

Beatrice Bouchard Getting FitBeatrice In Top Form In A BikiniBeatrice Bouchard Posing In A BikiniBeatrice Bouchard Posing

Eugenie Bouchard in 2021

Eugenie Bouchard Stats info

Now ranked no.121, Eugenie played her last match on the 16th of March when she lost to world no.101 Lin Zhu 7-5 7-6(3) in the 1st round in Monterrey (draw).

During this season Bouchard owns a compiled 5-4 match record. Eugenie Bouchard’s most significant accomplishment of the current season was reaching the final in Guadalajara.

Bouchard's Record