Genie Bouchard modelling for New Balance. INSTAGRAM PICTURES

Genie Bouchard and her latest pictures promoting New Balance

Genie Bouchard

Eugenie Bouchard is having a short break from tennis after playing a couple of tournaments in Mexico. The Canadian beauty is spending some time in the US. Ranked no.121 Genie is struggling to get in the qualifications of some main tournaments and therefore, she is having problems getting to big stages right now unless she receives a wildcard.

While it is uncertain what will be Genie’s upcoming schedules, Bouchard is widely expected to play the French Open since she may get to the main daw because of the size of the event.

In the meantime, Genie is doing some modeling also for her new clothing brand New Balance. The result is always great.

Genie In A PoolGenie Enjoying Vacation

Eugenie Bouchard in 2021

Eugenie Bouchard Stats info

Currently ranked no.121, the Canadian played her last match on the 16th of March when she capitulated to world no.101 Lin Zhu 7-5 7-6(3) in the 1st round in Monterrey (draw).

At present, during this year Bouchard has achieved a 5-4 match record. Eugenie Bouchard’s most significant achievement of the current year was getting to the final in Guadalajara.

Bouchard's Record