McEnroe cannot see Federer winning the US Open title

Big Mac has always interesting comments especially before the US Open to comment as follows.

McEnroe on Federer’s chance to win another slam

“To me, it’s obviously going to be a lot more difficult at this stage.

I don’t see at this stage him being able to go through all seven rounds and have to beat at least two of these three guys (Djokovic, Nadal and Murray).

Maybe he would use that type of thing as incentive. When you’ve won 17, you clearly think you can win another one. To me, there comes a point, even as great as Roger has been for so many years, that it catches up to you a little bit,”

There is chance, but it’s rather difficult now

“There are certainly scenarios where he could easily still get late into an event and even to a final. Andre got to the final of the Open at 35, so there’s no reason to believe he couldn’t do it.

At Wimbledon I could see him going late into an event, a final. I could see it on a hard court… but I personally think that at this stage it’s going to be quite, quite difficult for him to win another one.” added McEnroe