Genie Bouchard best hot and top pictures in bikini at the beach. Cocciaretto next in Guadalajara

Genie Bouchard and some of her best pictures in a bikini and at the beach

Genie Bouchard In A Bikini At The Beach Having Fun

Eugenie Bouchard is about to face Elisabetta Cocciaretto in the semifinal in Guadalajara attempting to conquer her 2nd career title. Genie managed to reach a world no.5 rank back in the days when in 2014 she reached the semifinals at the Australian Open and the Roland Garros before being the finalist in Wimbledon. She got a bit lost on the tennis court but she has managed to keep her fans posting many beautiful pictures on social media. Here some of the best.  Genie Bouchard At The PoolGenie Bouchard In A Bikini At The Beach Having Fun


Genie Bouchard At The Beach With ZipGenie Bouchard On Hte BeachStunning Genie Bouchard

Bouchard in Guadalajara, ranking, and results in 2021

Eugenie Bouchard Stats info

Now the world no.144, the Canadian has managed to achieve a 4-2 match record in 2021. Eugenie is competing in Guadalajara where she managed to beat Caroline Dolehide 3-6 6-1 6-3, Kaja Juvan 6-4 6-3 and Caty McNally 6-4 6-3.

Eugenie Bouchard will take on Cocciaretto in the semifinal. In the past, they have never played each other so far in top tournaments.

Cocciaretto in Guadalajara, ranking, and results in 2021

Elisabetta Cocciaretto Stats info

At the moment ranked no.134, Cocciaretto has an overall 9-3 record in 2021. Cocciaretto is currently having a run in Guadalajara where she overcame Mayo Hibi 6-3 3-6 6-4, Varvara Lepchenko 7-61 6-4, Xiyu Wang 6-4 6-4, Nadia Podoroska 7-5 7-5 and Lauren Davis 6-3 6-0.

Elisabetta Cocciaretto will play Bouchard in the semifinal. In the past, they have never competed against each other so far in top events.

Eugenie Bouchard and Elisabetta Cocciaretto have never squared off.