Federer to sink to world no.5 after Wimbledon

The Championship has always been a big appointment for the Maestro. Roger has won it 7 times and last year’s title gave to him  the huge opportunity to become world no.1 once again and break Pete Sampras record.

This year’s Wimbledon could not bring the same feat.

Too many points to defend

If Roger won’t win Wimbledon he will plausibly sink to world no.5!

In fact,  Roger should defend 2150pts (150 pts from Halle + 2000pts Wimbledon) in the next month This means that he will start from 5490 pts (7640 current points – 2150pts).

Ferrer has to defend only 610pts (250pts for winning in s-Hertogenbosch and 360pts for reaching the quarters in Wimbledon) and he will start from 6610pts (7220 current – 610pts)

Rafa has to defend only 90pts (45pts for the quarters in Halle and 45pts for Wimbledon) to start from 6805 points.


“Starting Point”

So the starting point will be

Nadal 6805 pts
Ferrer 6610 pts
Federer 5490 pts

Probable scenario

Let’s say that Roger wins in Halle where he is the favourite and he doesn’t win in Wimbledon, but he reaches the final he will have 6940pts (5490+1200+250).

If Ferrer reaches the final in s-Hertogenbosch (he is the defending champion) and he reaches the quarters in Wimbledon he will have 7120pts (6610+360+150).

If Nadal reaches only the quarters in Wimbledon he will have 7165pts (6805+360).

The final ranking will be

Nadal 7165 pts
Ferrer 7120 pts
Federer 6940 pts

We are sure that Roger and his fans won’t agree with that… so the only solution is for the Maestro to win his 8th Wimbledon. Can he make it? Yes he can!!!