Mardy Fish to skip the French Open and the Olympics may come back in Washington – 2012 ATP New-Look event

Mardy Fish is living a strange situation.

He is the American nr.1 at the top of his tennis career, but a strange illness produced a horrible scare during one night few weeks ago. This scare made him miss the Davis Cup and made him lose the first match in Houston at the hands of Russel. (and that was a big upset)

From that moment he decided to suspend his professional activity to understand what was going on in his body. 

“I’m doing OK. We’re doing lots of tests to try to figure out what’s going on and what went wrong,” Fish said. “It’s sort of unclear as to how or why it happened yet, but we’re trying to figure it out. It’s not something I’m super comfortable talking about. It certainly was a scare.”

Unfortunately Mardy is not going to play the Olympic Games in London “I definitely thought about going – the prospect of playing the Olympics at Wimbledon on a grass court, a surface that suits me very well. I have some great memories from the Olympics. … I also have some tough memories from it as well, where I was so close to winning a gold medal,” Fish said. “That loss hurt as much or more than any loss I’ve ever had in my career. So I stayed away in 2008 for Beijing and I’m going to stay away this time.”

Strange enough it seems that he committed to play in Washington, 2 days after the start of the Olympic Games (???).

“We’re thrilled to have the top-ranked American, Mardy Fish, committed early to this year’s Citi Open,” said Jeff Newman. “2012 is a big year for the tournament – with a new title sponsor, the inclusion of a WTA women’s event this year, and new facility upgrades – and so it’s exciting to also have a Top 10 player participating in our event.”

Besides the fact that it sounds a bit weird (miscomunication?) that Mardy will miss “a dream tournament” to play a minor one, we wish all the best to him and we hope that he can really play in Washington to help to lift the reputation of the tournament (the organizer are working very hard on it).

Photo Credit to Beth Wilson