Azarenka’s medical timeout sparks big controversy

Vika won a very interesting semifinal, but it seems that all the attention is going to the medical time out she had at the end of the second set.

What happened

Vika was leading 5-3 to squander 5  match points. It seems she was choking a bit (… a lot!) and Sloane was definitely on the roll to break her and reach a 5-4 scoreline.

Then Vika got quite a mysterious medical time-out that lasted 10 long minutes when she went off the court. Many had the impression that the time-out wasn’t “medical” at all, but it was a strategic one to break the rhythm of Sloane.

In fact, when Vika was back managed to win the set 6-4.


When asked why she had the medical time-out she replied 3 different things in 3 different interviews. In the official one she said she had a back pain. To ESPN she said she had chest pain. In the court interview… well she didn’t really answer…

Strange, but we like to think Vika didn’t play any strange trick!

In the official interview she said she had a back pain.

In the interview with ESPN she said she had a chest pain.


In court side interview she didn’t answer to the question why she went off the vourt. Misunerstanding? Maybe… why not?