The French Open will also increase the prize money for players

Another good news for tennis. It seems that USTA decision to double the prize money by 2017 has created a sort of ripple effect. 

French Open tournament director Gilbert Ysern told The New York Times  that they are going to dramatically increase the prize money from now till the 2016.

This increase won’t match the US Open one, but it is going to be still quite spectacular.

“We’re going to be below the U.S. Open, but we’re on the same path,” said Ysern.

“I think quite sincerely that there’s a logic to paying the players more than we have until now. I am particularly convinced there’s a logic to reducing the gap between the first-week players and the second-week players and to raise the prize money for the first week. I think that really is logical, but after that, I think you have to be reasonable.”

Good stuff!